Mr Bhuwad Awarded £5,750 for Broken Hand

Mr Bhuwad got in touch with the team at First4Lawyers after he suffered a preventable accident at work.

When he started his role at his new employer, a progressive manufacturer, Mr Bhuwad notified them that they should remove an air line as it was a trip hazard. However, this was not done.

Six months after telling his employer about the hazard, Mr Bhuwad walked past the air line and tripped on it, injuring his hand. Because he had raised the issue previously, he was left feeling upset and angry when he was injured.

After getting medical treatment, he found out his hand had been broken when he fell. He had to have metal plates inserted into his hand as part of his treatment. He then had to take around three weeks off work to recover.

However, Mr Bhuwad’s hand has not yet fully recovered and he may require further surgery. He still struggles to use his right hand, making both work and daily life, including DIY, a struggle for him.

Mr Bhuwad wanted his employer to take responsibility so he contacted First4Lawyers. He had been forced to cancel a non-refundable engagement so he also hoped he could reclaim some of that cost.

He told us that he chose to get in touch based on our positive online reviews. We were able to match him to one of our specialist solicitors, who succeeded in getting Mr Bhuwad compensation of £5,750 awarded.

His solicitor also helped him reclaim some of the costs associated with his accident. He explained that it was “great to talk through some of the emotions I was dealing with”.

Speaking about his experience with First4Lawyers, Mr Bhuwad said: “My claim was handled professionally. I was very happy with the service.”

He added that he would recommend our team to anyone who had been hurt through no fault of their own. If that’s you, First4Lawyers could help. Just give us a call or start your claim online and we’ll take it from there.


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