Cerebral Palsy Claims

Cerebral palsy can be caused by medical mistakes. If this has happened to your child, you could claim in excess of £1 million. We’re here to support you.

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What is a cerebral palsy claim?

Cerebral palsy is a condition affecting muscle control and movement. It currently affects about 1 in 400 children in the UK, according to the disability equality charity Scope.

In many cases, cerebral palsy cannot be prevented. But sometimes medical negligence – including misdiagnoses and medical delays – can contribute towards a child developing the condition.

If you believe your child has developed cerebral palsy as a result of a midwife, doctor or surgeon not doing their job properly, you could have grounds to make a cerebral palsy claim.

Which medical errors can cause cerebral palsy?

Medical errors can occur while you’re pregnant, or during childbirth.

Not all cases of cerebral palsy are caused by medical mistakes. But some of the most common causes of preventable cerebral palsy include:

  • Delayed treatment of bacterial or viral infections
  • Failing to check on the baby’s heartbeat regularly enough
  • Failing to prevent the umbilical cord from wrapping around the baby
  • Not delivering the baby early enough, resulting in a lack of oxygen supply
  • Using forceps in a way that creates too much pressure on the baby’s brain

This is not a complete list, though. You could still have a claim even if none of the scenarios listed above apply to you. If you’re not sure whether you’re able to take legal action, get in touch with our supportive team.

We’ll ask you a few straightforward questions about what happened, before letting you know if we think you could have a compensation claim for cerebral palsy.

Why should I make a cerebral palsy compensation claim?

Cerebral palsy is a life-long condition and your child is likely to need additional care as they grow up. This could include speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and ongoing medical treatment.

You may also find that you need to adapt your home or vehicle to suit your child’s needs as they get older. This all costs money, and can cause additional financial stress at what will already be an emotionally difficult time.

Making a claim won’t reverse what happened. But it could help you to cover the financial costs associated with your child’s condition – giving you the peace of mind that they will receive the best possible care.

Taking legal action will also shine a light on the medical errors that caused your child to develop cerebral palsy. This could ensure that improvements are made, so no one else has to go through the same experience.

How can First4Lawyers help?

We understand the thought of making a claim can be daunting, especially when you’re already going through such a difficult time. But if your child has suffered due to a medical professional’s mistakes, it’s only right that you seek support and compensation.

Our cerebral palsy solicitors are experienced in these types of claims. They’ll be there to guide you through the process of taking legal action. If you have any questions, queries or concerns, your solicitor will be available to address them at every stage of your claim.

We offer a No Win No Fee service for cerebral palsy claims, so there will be nothing to pay upfront and no cost to you if your case is unsuccessful. This means you’ll be able to focus on your child’s care and treatment, without the additional worry of legal costs.

Only pay a fee if you receive compensation

Our No Win No Fee solicitors will take a success fee from the compensation you are awarded for a successful claim in the form of a percentage of your damages. This could be up to 25% but it won't be more than that, except in cases of road traffic accidents. Changing laws mean our solicitors will now take a payment of 35% of the final compensation amount plus VAT for all road traffic accidents.

First4Lawyers are an award-winning claims management company with a track record of delivering service that our clients love.

Cerebral palsy compensation claim FAQs

What is the cerebral palsy claim time limit?

You will have until your child is 18 to make a cerebral palsy claim.

After that, they’ll have three years to make a claim themselves. But if your child lacks the capacity to make a claim, you’ll be able to start the process on their behalf at any time – there won’t be a deadline applied.

Speaking to a cerebral palsy lawyer could help you to work out where you stand in terms of starting a claim, so we would suggest doing this as soon as you’re able to.  

How much compensation could I claim for cerebral palsy negligence?

Cerebral palsy claims will often settle for more than £1 million. This is because any compensation received will need to cover the cost of life-long care and treatment.

It can be difficult to predict the level of care your child will need in the future. But your settlement will take this into account. So you’ll still have financial security, even if your child needs more intensive treatment later on.

If your claim is successful, you could choose to receive a large lump sum of the compensation to make any necessary adaptations to your home, or to buy a more suitable property. Then, annual payments will usually be paid for the rest of your child’s life.

How long do cerebral palsy compensation claims take?

Cerebral palsy claims are often quite complex, mainly due to the fact that it can be difficult to predict how your child’s condition will develop over time.

This means that it will usually take several years to reach a cerebral palsy settlement. But this could vary depending on your situation.

Your solicitor will do all they can to get the hospital that treated you to admit there was a breach of care, as soon as possible. This will allow them to apply for interim payments, which will be paid to you before the case is settled.

Interim payments are often used to pay for property or vehicle adaptations, specialist equipment or advanced therapies. So you’ll be able to make sure your child’s needs are met sooner rather than later.

I think I have a cerebral palsy claim – what should I do?

If you think your child’s cerebral palsy was caused by a medical professional’s mistakes, we could help you make a claim for compensation.

When you first get in touch with us, one of our knowledgeable advisors will speak to you about your situation and let you know if we’re able to help you. If we think you have a strong claim, we’ll ask if you’d like to be put in touch with a dedicated cerebral palsy solicitor.

It will be completely up to you whether you’d like to proceed with a claim at this point, and we’ll never pressure you either way.

To find out more, give us a call on the number at the top of the screen or start your claim online.

We’re here to help you through the legal process, whenever you’re ready.

Meet Mel

Assistant Head of Legal Services

A law graduate, Mel Aked has been with First4Lawyers since 2011. She helps lead our expert team to help thousands of people who have been hurt through no fault of their own.

Mel says: “Finding legal support can be difficult if you don’t know where to begin. That’s why First4Lawyers tries to make it as straightforward as possible. We evaluate each case individually and if we can help, we’ll match you to the best solicitor for your needs.”

If you need help to make a compensation claim, just get in touch to find out more.


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