Allergic reactions can be scary, as it is such a major physical reaction. If you’ve suffered one as a result of negligence, you could make a claim for compensation.
An allergic reaction is when the body’s immune system reacts to a typically harmless substance, known as an allergen.
Anaphylaxis – or anaphylactic shock – is a severe reaction to an allergen. These reactions can be life-threatening as they develop suddenly and worsen quickly. The NHS points out that symptoms of anaphylaxis are feeling lightheaded, difficulty breathing, wheezing, rapid heartbeat, confusion, anxiety and losing consciousness.
This kind of severe reaction must be treated with an allergy pen, according to Allergy UK.
Severe allergies are becoming more commonplace. It was recently reported that the number of children admitted to hospital with severe reactions increased by 72% in five years.
Some of the most common and serious allergies are to food. Food allergies happen when the body sees proteins found in certain foods as a threat. Among the most common foods that can cause allergic reactions are nuts, fish and shellfish, milk, eggs and some fruit and vegetables.
Certain medications are another common allergen, with penicillin being the most well-known. If you were negligently treated with a medication you’re allergic to, this could be a form of medical negligence.
Hair dye can also be responsible for an allergic reaction. The majority of cases of allergic contact dermatitis are caused by the ingredient paraphenylenediamine (PPD). Hairdressers should carry out patch tests on customers to check for allergies. These are done between 24 and 48 hours before the appointment. If it is not done and you suffer an allergic reaction to hair dye, you could be able to make a personal injury claim.
If you have suffered a serious allergic reaction, you could end up suffering life-changing consequences. Severe anaphylaxis is so serious it can result in death.
After suffering this kind of reaction as a result of someone’s negligence – whether that be in a restaurant, hair salon or hospital – you are entitled to compensation. This is intended to help get you back into the position you were in before the negligence ever happened.
In most allergic reaction cases, you will have three years to make a claim. To make sure you can get your claim submitted before the deadline, it’s advisable to begin the process as soon as possible.
There are some exceptions to this rule, though. Children will have three years to make a claim after their 18th birthday. Before that date, they are able to make a claim at any point.
Meanwhile, if you are claiming on behalf of someone without the mental capacity to make a claim themselves, you will not face a time limit unless they regain capacity. If they are not expected to do so, you will not face a time limit and can make a claim at any point.
Each situation is unique and a number of factors are taken into account when compensation is decided. This makes it difficult to say what you might entitled to without a consultation. However, for an idea of what you may be able to claim, visit our compensation calculator.
For more information, just get in touch with our helpful team of advisors, who will be happy to talk you through the process of making a claim.
If you think you have an allergic reaction claim, you should get in touch with First4Lawyers. Our friendly and compassionate claims advisors will help you work through your options and decide what the best thing to do next is.
Just give us a call, request a call back or start your claim online and we’ll be in touch at a convenient time for you.