Almost 1,800 People Killed on the Roads in 2018

A total of 1,784 people were killed on British roads in 2018, according to new figures from the Department for Transport.
This was slightly down from 1,793 deaths in 2017 and 1,792 in 2016. However, it represented a significant drop from the 2,538 road users killed in 2008.
Forms of transport
Car occupants made up the highest proportion of fatalities, with 777 dying in 2018. Of those, most were drivers, at 546, while 231 passengers lost their lives.
The group of road users with the second highest number of deaths was pedestrians, at 456. This was down from 470 in 2017, but up from the 398 killed in 2013.
Motorcyclists were also vulnerable, with 354 killed while on their bikes last year. Of this figure, nine were passengers. These road users were also more likely to be killed on their journeys, with 126 riders killed per billion miles travelled. This is compared with 2.1 for car drivers.
Deadliest roads
In 2018, more people were killed on non-built up roads than those in built-up areas, at 871 total deaths compared to 806. The majority of deaths occurring on the roads in 2018 took place on non-built up roads with a speed limit of 60mph – with 596 people losing their lives on these country lanes.
Meanwhile, the most dangerous roads in built-up areas were found to be those with a 30mph speed limit. A total of 578 people died on these roads.
This is compared to 107 people who were killed on motorways, revealing that these national road networks typically don’t present the same level of hazards of those closer to home.
Most dangerous regions
England saw the highest number of road deaths in 2018, at 1,521. Scotland saw 160, while Wales reported 103. Since England has more than 10 times the total population of Scotland and Wales, this is perhaps unsurprising.
Britain’s biggest and most populous city saw the most deaths, with London’s Metropolitan Police force area seeing 111 deaths. The City of London saw one person killed in 2018.
Further out, the Thames Valley force area saw 79 deaths, the second highest reported in England. West Yorkshire was third, with 70 fatalities.
Outside of the City of London, the Cleveland area saw the fewest deaths, at 10, while Durham saw 11 and Dorset 16.
Time of the day
Rush hour proved to be a danger to commuters in 2018. The highest number of fatal accidents occurred between 16:00 and 17:59, with 213 people dying.
Perhaps surprisingly, the early hours recorded fewer deaths. From midnight to 01:59, 111 people were killed, while 83 road users died between 02:00 and 03:59. Some 81 people were killed between 04:00 and 05:59.
There was a sharp jump to 119 deaths recorded between 06:00 and 07:59. This is likely as the roads started getting busier as people started making their way to work.
If you were a road traffic accident casualty in 2018 – or at any point in the last three years – First4Lawyers could help you make a claim for compensation.
To find out more about how we can help you get back on your feet, just give us a call, request a call back at the top of your screen or start your claim here. Our friendly advisors are happy to help you work out your options with no obligation.